The University of Sheffield

AHRC annotated DMP template

Version 2 2021-03-01, 11:54
Version 1 2017-09-08, 11:40
data management plan
posted on 2021-03-01, 11:54 authored by Beverley JonesBeverley Jones, Paula GouldPaula Gould, Ian PalmerIan Palmer
This is an annotated data management plan (DMP) template for an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) grant application.

This document (available in .pdf and .docx formats) was created using DMPonline (University of Sheffield version), which provides templates for structuring major research funder DMPs. The document includes guidance text produced by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), the AHRC and the University of Sheffield Library (see References below).

AHRC guidance states:
The data management plan will be assessed by reviewers from our Academic College. The plan should be written in Arial or Times New Roman font at size 11 with normal 2cm margins and entitled Data Management Plan. The data management plan can be up to a maximum of two pages long and can include diagrams, but these must be within the 2 page limits.

See References below for further information.



  • There is no personal data or any that requires ethical approval


  • The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing

Sharing and access restrictions

  • The data can be shared openly

Data description

  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • Headings and units are explained in the files