The University of Sheffield

Dataset of images of wildlife taken by motion sensor cameras on UK farms

Version 2 2019-11-26, 11:43
Version 1 2019-08-20, 08:35
posted on 2019-11-26, 11:43 authored by Lyudmila MihaylovaLyudmila Mihaylova, Ruth Little, Ruilong Chen;, Richard Delahay, Ruth Cox
This is a set of data that can be useful for wild life recognition.

The related publication is:
Chen, R, Little, R, Mihaylova, L, Delahay, R, Cox, R. Wildlife surveillance using deep learning methods,
Ecology and Evolution, 2019, Vol. 9, pp. 9453– 9466.


DEFRA, Automated badger detection, SE3295, 151381



  • There is no personal data or any that requires ethical approval


  • The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing

Sharing and access restrictions

  • The data can be shared openly

Data description

  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • There is a readme.txt file describing the methodology, headings and units