Charge superradiance on charged BTZ black holes
Data for the figures in the paper "Charge superradiance on charged BTZ black holes", arXiv:2301.01169 [hep-th]
We study superradiance for a charged scalar field subject to Robin (mixed) boundary conditions on a charged BTZ black hole background. Scalar field modes having a real frequency do not exhibit superradiance, independent of the boundary conditions applied. For scalar field modes with a complex frequency, irrespective of the boundary conditions, no charge superradiance occurs if the black hole is static. We demonstrate the existence of superradiant modes with complex frequencies for a charged and rotating BTZ black hole. Most of the superradiant modes we find satisfy Robin (mixed) boundary conditions, but there are also superradiant modes with complex frequencies satisfying Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We explore the effect of the black hole and scalar field charge on the outgoing energy flux of these superradiant modes.
The Lancaster, Manchester, Sheffield Consortium for Fundamental Physics: Particle Physics from colliders to the Universe
Science and Technology Facilities Council
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