Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Outpatients with Anorexia Nervosa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Effectiveness (Datafiles and Guidelines)
The datafiles presented relate to a pre-registered systematic review and meta-analysis of outpatient CBT for anorexia nervosa. It was conducted to assess outpatient CBT's effectiveness for anorexia nervosa and explore potential moderators in order to inform clinical practice. Details are currently available via PROSPERO (CRD42023484924), and the results of this review are in the process of being submitted for publication.
The documents provided are:
An Excel file containing a workbook with the dataset used in this review named "main datafile". The front tab acts as a contents page, and further details of how the data were obtained are given on PROSPERO and in the accompanying Word document.
A zip file with CSV versions of each sheet in the above Excel workbook.
A Word document titled Reviewer Guidelines for Full Paper Screening, Data Extraction, and Quality Assessment. This document contains the instructions the reviewers used for screening, data extraction, and quality assessment.
An Excel file containing the risk of bias assessments conducted for the included studies. The first tab provides overall guidance for each of the three risk-of-bias assessments conducted. Each set of assessments has another tab with guidance followed by the reviewer for each set of assessments.
A zip file with CSV versions of each sheet in the above Excel worksheet.
These documents are intended for reading alongside the published paper, details of which will be provided when available.
White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership