Controlling cooperative emission and superradiance in waveguide-coupled quantum dots
Experimental data supporting figures shown in the paper: Controlling cooperative emission and superradiance in waveguide-coupled quantum dots
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Abstract: We report the measurement of collective emission from a pair of independently tuneable InAs quantum dots embedded in a nanophotonic waveguide. A split diode structure allows independent electrical control of the quantum dot transition energies over a wide range with minimal loss in waveguide coupling efficiency. We utilise this to systematically map out the transition from collective to independent emission. We perform both lifetime as well as Hanbury Brown-Twiss measurements on the device, observing anti-dips in the photon coincidences indicating collective emission while at the same time observing a drop in lifetime around zero detuning, indicating superradiant behaviour. Performing both measurement types allows us to investigate detuning regions which show both superradiant rate enhancement and inter-emitter coherence, as well as regions in which correlations persist in the absence of rate enhancement.
Quantum and Many Body Physics Enabled by Advanced Semiconductor Nanotechnology
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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