The University of Sheffield

DRAM Latency-PUF Responses and corresponding PUF Phenotype conversions: Temperature and Voltage environmentally tested

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posted on 2024-09-25, 08:42 authored by Owen Millwood, Prosanta GopeProsanta Gope, Chenghua LinChenghua Lin, Elif Bilge Kavun, Jack Miskelly, Bohao Yang

DRAM-Latency-PUF raw response and Grayscale image 'PUF Phenotype' data from five Commodity-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) DDR3 DRAM DIMMs under various environmental conditions.

Each measurement is categorised by the following:

- DIMM Name

- Location on DIMM (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)

- Temperature (20C, 30C, 40C, 50C)

- Voltage (1.3v, 1.5v)

- Challenge Pattern (0x00, 0x55, 0xFF)

- Measurement number (1 -> 10)

latency_dataset.csv contains each the above meta-data and each individual response measurement as a row in the table, including the raw hex output from the memory controller for formatting however you see fit.

grayscale_images contains each measurement represented as a 200x220 grayscale image for use training computer vision models.

Finally included are the specific sets of Phenotype images used for the experimental work in [1], which are derived from the raw set, but can be utilised directly when using the shared experimental code for reproducability.

This data can be utilised with the code repository found using the following DOI: 10.15131/

This is the data produced and utilised in Chapter 3 of the PhD Thesis 'Leveraging DRAM-based Physically Unclonable Functions for Enhancing Authentication in Resource-Constrained Applications' by Owen Millwood (also in publication [1]).

[1] O. Millwood, J. Miskelly, B. Yang, P. Gope, E. B. Kavun and C. Lin, "PUF-Phenotype: A Robust and Noise-Resilient Approach to Aid Group-Based Authentication With DRAM-PUFs Using Machine Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 18, pp. 2451-2465, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3266624.



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