The University of Sheffield

Data.Rda for How uncertain is the survival extrapolation? A study of the impact of different parametric survival models on extrapolated uncertainty about hazard functions, lifetime mean survival and cost-effectiveness

Version 2 2019-09-10, 09:17
Version 1 2019-08-30, 19:20
posted on 2019-09-10, 09:17 authored by Benjamin Kearns
An R Rda-file containing the four hypothetical datasets used in the analysis (Flat, increasing, decreasing, unimodal). These are stored in a single data-frame, where the 400 rows correspond to observations. For each dataset there are three variables: an event indicator = 1 for if death was during follow-up, else = 0 (suffix "_dead"), the true time of death (suffix "_time") and the observed follow-up time, which will = 1 if the true time of death > 1 (suffix "_obs"). Hence there are twelve columns.

A script is provided seperately within this project (Analysis.R) which includes the code used to analyse this dataset in order to obtain the results reported in the manuscript "How uncertain is the survival extrapolation? A study of the impact of different parametric survival models on extrapolated uncertainty about hazard functions, lifetime mean survival and cost-effectiveness."
