The University of Sheffield

Data for "Competitive species interactions constrain abiotic adaptation in a bacterial soil community"

posted on 2018-09-25, 16:08 authored by James Hall, Ellie Harrison, Michael Brockhurst
This record contains .csv-formatted Supplementary Data tables associated with 'Competitive species interactions constrain abiotic adaptation in a bacterial soil community' by J. P. J. Hall et al. (2018). Sample analysis scripts for this data are provided in another ORDA record, doi:10.15131/

SuppTab3.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 3. Fitness of evolved pQBR57-bearing Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 clones relative to their ancestor in soil microcosms. Six or seven clones were tested from populations evolved with or without mercury, and with or without Pseudomonas putida KT2440 competitors. Fitness was measured both with and without mercury. evo_rep = evolutionary replicate; cln_rep = clone reference; mrk = marker; cul = single-species (ss) or co-culture (co); evo_mer = mercury treatment in evolution experiment; test_mer = mercury in test conditions; fitness = relative fitness compared with ancestor (per day); fitness (generation) = relative fitness compared with ancestor (per generation).

SuppTab4.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 4. Mutations in actP detected in evolved Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 clones. sample_number = sample number in sequencing run; cln_name = code referring to that clone; evo_rep = evolutionary replicate; cln_rep = clone reference; pla = P if clone has pQBR57; evo_mer = mercury treatment in evolution experiment; pla_trt = plasmid treatment; mrk = marker; cul = cul = single-species (ss) or co-culture (co); mutation = actP mutation; effect = effect of mutation; impact = impact of mutation (defined by SNPeff); mutation_position = bp affected by mutation; effect_position = codon affected by position

SuppTab5.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 5. Growth of sequenced evolved Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 clones in soil microcosms with and without Pseudomonas putida KT2440 competitors. sample_number = sample number in sequencing run; cln_name = code referring to that clone; evo_rep = evolutionary replicate; cln_rep = clone reference; evo_mer = mercury treatment in evolution experiment; pla_trt = plasmid treatment; mrk = marker; cul = cul = single-species (ss) or co-culture (co); mutation = actP mutation; effect = effect of mutation; impact = impact of mutation (defined by SNPeff); mutation_position = bp affected by mutation; effect_position = codon affected by position; tech_rep = replicate experiment in which this clone was tested; m.with_putida = growth rate in co-culture (per day); m.alone = growth rate in single-species culture (per day); w = m.with_putida/m.alone

SuppTab6.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 6. Population density at transfer of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 from the evolution experiment. rep = evolutionary replicate; tra = transfer; spc = species; cul = single-species (ss) or co-culture (co); pla_trt = plasmid treatment; mer = mercury treatment; mrk = marker; tot = cfu/g at transfer

SuppTab7.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 7. Relative growth of evolved Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 clones in acetate minimal media relative to glycerol minimal media. sample_number = sample number in sequencing run; cln_name = code referring to that clone; actp.status = disrupted or wild-type; actp.mutation = impact of the mutation on actP; technical.rep = replicate experiment in which this clone was tested; ratio = m_acetate/m_glycerol; difference = m_acetate - m_glycerol.

SuppTab8.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 8. Zones of inhibition produced by tellurite-impregnated discs for evolved Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 clones. sample_number = sample number in sequencing run; cln_name = code referring to that clone; tech_rep = replicate experiment in which this clone was tested; evo_mer = mercury treatment in evolution experiment; plasmid_trt = plasmid treatment; cul = single-species (ss) or co-culture (co); mutation = actP mutation; effect = effect of mutation; impact = impact of mutation (defined by SNPeff); actp_status = disrupted or wild-type; area = area of zone of inhibition (mm^2)

SuppTab9.csv: .csv version of Supplementary Table 9. Growth of evolved Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 clones in various concentrations of tellurite. sample_number = sample number in sequencing run; cln_name = code referring to that clone; tech_rep = replicate experiment in which this clone was tested; tell_conc = tellurite concentration (µg/ml); OD600_scaled = OD600 scaled between 0 and 1


ERC Grant Agreement 311490-COEVOCON; NERC Standard Grant NE/R008825/1



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