The University of Sheffield

Data for 'Excitation Energy Delocalization and Transfer to Guests within MII4L6 Cage Frameworks'

posted on 2017-09-11, 08:44 authored by Andrew Musser, Prakash P Neelakandan, Johannes M Richter, Hirotaka Mori, Richard H Friend, Jonathan R Nitschke
Powerpoints of optical spectroscopy figures in main text and supporting information of publication 'Excitation Energy Delocalization and Transfer to Guests within MII4L6 Cage Frameworks' in: The Journal of the American Chemistry Society 2017
(DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b06709). Underlying data is embedded in each figure and can be accessed by double-clicking. It requires Origin to access. Main text and supporting information figures are presented in separate files. Mass spectrometry data is contained in separate excel file.


EPSRC: EP/M005143/1, EP/G060738/1. European Research Council: 259352



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