The University of Sheffield

Data for: Self-reported and experimentally induced self-disgust is heightened in Parkinson’s disease: Contribution of behavioural symptoms [to be published in PLoS One]

posted on 2019-10-02, 14:46 authored by Paul OvertonPaul Overton, Ana Vivas, Marianna Tsatali
A speadsheet of data from two groups, a Parkinson's disease group and a group of controls matched for age, gender and years in education. Both groups completed questionnaire measures (HADS, QUIP-RS, TOSCA, BIS-11, Self-Disgust Scale), and responded to questions about how they felt following two induction paradigms. In the first paradigm, they were shown photographs of themselves (or a neutral photograph) and were asked to report levels of self-disgust, anger, sadness and the levels of arousal. In the second paradigm, they were asked to narrate instances when they had felt self-disgust, shame, guilt or a neutral mood, and report how they felt after the narration (in terms of the target emotion, anger, sadness, happiness, and the level of arousal).

Ethical permission was granted for the work by by the University Research Ethics Committee (although there is no reference number for the approval).





  • I have ethical approval and have included the number in the description field