The University of Sheffield

Data for manuscript: Optical analogue of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in photonic graphene

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posted on 2020-10-07, 13:01 authored by Charles Whittaker, Toby Dowling, Anton Nalitov, Alexey V. Yulin, Ben RoyallBen Royall, Edmund ClarkeEdmund Clarke, Maurice SkolnickMaurice Skolnick, Ivan Shelykh, Dimitrii KrizhanovskiiDimitrii Krizhanovskii
Experimental data for the Nature Photonics Letter "Optical analogue of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in photonic graphene".


EPSRC Grant EP/N031776/1

EPSRC Grant EP/R04385X/1

Russian Science Foundation Project No. 19-72-20120

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 846353



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Methodology, headings and units

  • There is a readme.txt file describing the methodology, headings and units