The University of Sheffield
ARCHIVE (656.44 kB)
544_T8T10_intact_Scan1_unloaded_4241.dcm (1.03 GB)
544_T8T10_intact_Scan2_loaded_4245.dcm (1.03 GB)
551_T8T10_intact_Scan1_unloaded_4436.dcm (768.02 MB)
551_T8T10_intact_Scan2_loaded_4438.dcm (768.02 MB)
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551_T12T14_intact_Scan1_unloaded_4442.dcm (929.71 MB)
552_T8_T10_intact_Scan1_unloaded_4445.dcm (825.58 MB)
552_T8_T10_intact_Scan2_loaded_4447.dcm (825.58 MB)
544_T8T10_lesion_Scan1_unloaded_4369.dcm (1.03 GB)
544_T8T10_lesion_Scan2_loaded_4370.dcm (1.03 GB)
551_T8T10_lesion_Scan1_unloaded_4457.dcm (764.42 MB)
551_T10T12_lesion_Scan2_loaded_4460.dcm (1.01 GB)
551_T10T12_lesion_Scan1_unloaded_4459.dcm (1.01 GB)
551_T8T10_lesion_Scan2_loaded_4458.dcm (764.42 MB)
552_T8T10_lesion_Scan1_unloaded_4463.dcm (944.99 MB)
551_T12T14_lesion_Scan2_loaded_4462.dcm (969.93 MB)
551_T12T14_lesion_Scan1_unloaded_4461.dcm (969.93 MB)
551_T12T14_intact_Scan2_loaded_4444.dcm (929.71 MB)
22 files

Data for paper "MicroFE models of porcine vertebrae with induced bone focal lesions: validation of predicted displacements with Digital Volume Correlation"

posted on 2021-10-05, 13:09 authored by Enrico Dall'AraEnrico Dall'Ara, Marco Palanca
Data used in the paper : "MicroFE models of porcine vertebrae with induced bone focal lesions: validation of predicted displacements with Digital Volume Correlation"

Marco Palanca, Sara Oliviero, Enrico Dall'Ara
accepted for publication in JMBBM, 2021.

We share here: the DVC results are reported in the manuscript for the intact and the lesioned bones.
For each specimen we report a txt file with the coordinates and Cartesian components of the displacements

-microFE_results: the results from the microFE analyses for the intact and the lesioned bones.
For each specimen we report a txt file with the coordinates and Cartesian components of the displacements

-the microCT scans of each vertebra before and after the lesion was induced and in the unloaded and loaded configurations.

Nomenclature for the Specimens:
Sp1 -> 544_T8T10
Sp2 -> 552_T8T10
Sp3 -> 551_T12T14
Sp4 -> 551_T8T10
Sp5 -> 551_T10T12

For any questions the reader is encouraged to contact Dr Enrico Dall'Ara ( and/or Dr Marco Palanca (


The study was partially supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MetaSpine, MSCA-IF-EF-ST, 832430/2018), by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Frontier Multisim Grant (EP/K03877X/1 and EP/S032940/1), by the AOSpine Discovery and Innovation Awards (AOSDIA_2019_063_TUM_Palanca).



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  • Headings and units are explained in the files