The University of Sheffield

Data for paper "Modeling Musculoskeletal Dynamics During Gait: Evaluating the Best Personalization Strategy Through Model Anatomical Consistency"

posted on 2021-09-09, 13:57 authored by Erica Montefiori, Claudia Mazza, Michele Conconi, Nicola Sancisi
This repository contains the data and models used to generate the results reported in the paper "Modeling Musculoskeletal Dynamics During Gait: Evaluating the Best Personalization Strategy Through Model Anatomical Consistency".
Ethical approval for the studies was obtained from the local ethical comittees.

The 'Data_for_paper' folder contains 10 folders, one for each participant of the study (Subject1, ..., Subject10). Please, note that for some participants bi-lateral data are available, while for others only one body side was collected. Body sides are denoted by "_R/L" in the name of folders and models.
Within each of these folders, two sets of models are available: Model1 contains the models generated under the scenario referred to as M1 in the paper; Model2 contains the models where ligament and cartilage forces were accounted for while simulating gait. Input data are available as well in folders "Data_L/R".

A .doc file containing all the additional results mentioned in the paper is made available as well.


UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (EP/K03877X/1 and EP/S032940/1)

NIHR Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre (IS-BRC-1215-20017)

“MD-Paedigree”, Model Driven Paediatric European Digital Repository, Information Communi-cation Technologies Programme supported by the European Commission (7th FP, Contract Number 600932)



  • The project has ethical approval and the number is included in the description field


  • The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing

Sharing and access restrictions

  • The data can be shared openly

Data description

  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • Headings and units are explained in the files