The University of Sheffield

Data for the paper: "Non-invasive prediction of the mouse tibia mechanical properties from microCT images: comparison between different finite element models"

posted on 2021-01-25, 16:30 authored by Enrico Dall'AraEnrico Dall'Ara, Sara Oliviero
Data used in the paper: "Non-invasive prediction of the mouse tibia mechanical properties from microCT images: comparison between different finite element models"
Oliviero, Owen, Reilly, Bellantuono, Dall'Ara
published in BMMB

We share here an example of ex vivo microCT image used for the assessment, and the results obtained from the different analyses.

Short description of the files included:

-microFE_results.xlsx includes:

Stiffness estimated for each specimen with microFE models, and correlations with experimental data.

Failure load estimated with microFE models, and correlations with experimental data, for each model type:

Hexahedral Homogeneous models

Hexahedral models with subject-specific modulus

Tedrahedral Homogenous models

Tetrahedral models with subject-specific modulus

Hexahedral Heterogeneous models

Tetrahedral Homogeneous models

-microCT data:

Example of a segmented microCT image used as input for the microFE model (Specimen1, C57BL/6J, wild type, 16 weeks of age, right tibia).

In case the reader is interested in the whole database they should contact Dr Enrico Dall'Ara (


The study was partially funded by the UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs, Grant Number: NC/R001073/1) and by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Frontier Multisim Grants (EP/K03877X/1 and EP/S032940/1). RO was funded by an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship (EP/N509735/1).



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    Department of Mechanical Engineering



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