Directly converted astrocytes retain the ageing features of the donor fibroblasts and elucidate the astrocytic contribution to human CNS health and disease.
To interrogate the transcriptional features of fibroblast-derived iAstrocytes in relation to their ageing phenotype, we compared transcriptomic data from iAstrocytes obtained from old and young donors to bona fide aged human astrocytes laser captured from post-mortem (PM) brains and fetal primary astrocytes.
Research Ethics:
Study number STH16573, Research Committee reference 12/YH/0330 and MODEL-AD research study number STH19080 Research and Ethics Committee number: 16/YH/0155
Moody Fund Scholarship
MB is supported by a Wellcome 4ward North Academy clinical fellowship (216340/Z/19/Z), and ARUK Yorkshire Network Centre Small Grant (Ref: ARUK-PCRF2016A-1)
KM is supported by the MDA Investigator award, HM is a Parkinson’s UK Senior Research Fellow (Ref: F-1301)
GMH is supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC) New Investigator research grant MR/R024162/1 and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) grant BB/S005277/1
MA acknowledges grants from Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK-PG2018B-005), European Research Council (ERC Advanced Award 294745) and MRC DPFS (129016)
PJS is supported as an NIHR Senior Investigator, by the MND Association (AMBROSIA) and by the Medical Research Council (COEN award)
LF acknowledges grants from the Academy of Medical Sciences (Ref: SBF002/1142), MND Association (Ref: Apr16/848-7910) and Parkinson’s UK (Ref: K-1506)
The project has ethical approval and have included the number in the description field
The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing