The University of Sheffield
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Europeana Search Tasks (2017)

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posted on 2017-09-15, 15:31 authored by Paul CloughPaul Clough, Timothy Hill, Monica ParamitaMonica Paramita, Paula Goodale
People use digital cultural heritage sites in different ways and for various purposes. In this work, we explore what information people search for and why when using Europeana, one of the world's largest aggregators of cultural heritage.

To gather these data, we implemented a pop-up survey in the Europeana site for the period of 2 weeks (21 March-4 April 2017). A total of 240 users participated in this survey. This dataset contains users' feedback on the two pop-up survey questions:
- Q4: "What information are you looking for?", and
- Q5: "Why are you looking for this information?"

The responses were annotated with the following: (i) the broad type of search task; (ii) the subject content of searches; and (iii) motives for searching and uses of the information found.

For more information on the methodology and categorisation schemes used for analysing the search requests, please see the following paper: Clough, P., Hill, T., Paramita, M. L., and Goodale, P. 2017. Europeana: What Users Search For and Why. In: Lecture notes in computer science. Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2017), 18-09-2017 - 21-09-2017, Thessaloniki, Greece. Springer Verlag.

Please also refer to the paper if you use this dataset in your research.

If you have any questions about the dataset or this work, please contact the authors:
- Paul Clough (
- Timothy Hill (
- Monica Lestari Paramita (
- Paula Goodale (


Europeana DSI-2 Project



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