Exploring the psychological and sociological factors affecting critical thinking with students of English for Academic Purposes
Title: Exploring the psychological and sociological factors affecting critical thinking with students of English for Academic Purposes
This was a qualitative research project for a Doctorate in Education. Its aim was to ascertain whether students of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) found that exploring certain psychological and sociological factors affecting human thinking helped them with their own critical thinking. I did this with EAP students at the University of Sheffield in a series of workshops. I then interviewed the participants and analysed the resulting data using thematic analysis and code development.
The project received ethical approval from the University of Sheffield; the Reference Number is 023437. See the READ ME document for further details.
- The project has ethical approval and the number is included in the description field
- The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing
Sharing and access restrictions
- The uploaded data can be shared openly
Data description
- The file formats are open or commonly used
Methodology, headings and units
- There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt