Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 1 – Survey Responses
This dataset was created and deposited onto the University of Sheffield Online Research Data repository (ORDA) on 23-Jun-2023 by Dr. Matthew S. Hanchard, Research Associate at the University of Sheffield iHuman Institute.
The dataset forms part of three outputs from a project titled ‘Fostering cultures of open qualitative research’ which ran from January 2023 to June 2023:
· Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 1 – Survey Responses
· Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 2 – Interview Transcripts
· Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 3 – Coding Book
The project was funded with £13,913.85 Research England monies held internally by the University of Sheffield - as part of their ‘Enhancing Research Cultures’ scheme 2022-2023.
The dataset aligns with ethical approval granted by the University of Sheffield School of Sociological Studies Research Ethics Committee (ref: 051118) on 23-Jan-2021.This includes due concern for participant anonymity and data management.
ORDA has full permission to store this dataset and to make it open access for public re-use on the basis that no commercial gain will be made form reuse. It has been deposited under a CC-BY-NC license.
This dataset comprises one spreadsheet with N=91 anonymised survey responses .xslx format. It includes all responses to the project survey which used Google Forms between 06-Feb-2023 and 30-May-2023. The spreadsheet can be opened with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheet, or open-source equivalents.
The survey responses include a random sample of researchers worldwide undertaking qualitative, mixed-methods, or multi-modal research.
The recruitment of respondents was initially purposive, aiming to gather responses from qualitative researchers at research-intensive (targetted Russell Group) Universities. This involved speculative emails and a call for participant on the University of Sheffield ‘Qualitative Open Research Network’ mailing list. As result, the responses include a snowball sample of scholars from elsewhere.
The spreadsheet has two tabs/sheets: one labelled ‘SurveyResponses’ contains the anonymised and tidied set of survey responses; the other, labelled ‘VariableMapping’, sets out each field/column in the ‘SurveyResponses’ tab/sheet against the original survey questions and responses it relates to.
The survey responses tab/sheet includes a field/column labelled ‘RespondentID’ (using randomly generated 16-digit alphanumeric keys) which can be used to connect survey responses to interview participants in the accompanying ‘Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 2 – Interview transcripts’ files.
A set of survey questions gathering eligibility criteria detail and consent are not listed with in this dataset, as below. All responses provide in the dataset gained a ‘Yes’ response to all the below questions (with the exception of one question, marked with an asterisk (*) below):
· I am aged 18 or over
· I have read the information and consent statement and above.
· I understand how to ask questions and/or raise a query or concern about the survey.
· I agree to take part in the research and for my responses to be part of an open access dataset. These will be anonymised unless I specifically ask to be named.
· I understand that my participation does not create a legally binding agreement or employment relationship with the University of Sheffield
· I understand that I can withdraw from the research at any time.
· I assign the copyright I hold in materials generated as part of this project to The University of Sheffield.
· * I am happy to be contacted after the survey to take part in an interview.
The project was undertaken by two staff:
Dr. Itzel San Roman Pineda
ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-3785-8057
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Principal Investigator (corresponding dataset author):
Dr. Matthew Hanchard
ORCiD ID: 0000-0003-2460-8638
Research Associate
iHuman Institute, Social Research Institutes, Faculty of Social Science
Research England (internal award) 'Enhancing research cultures' 2022-2023 round
- The project has ethical approval and the number is included in the description field
- The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing
Sharing and access restrictions
- The data can be shared openly
Data description
- The file formats are open or commonly used
Methodology, headings and units
- Headings and units are explained in the files
- There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt