Free and open-source plant phenotyping
Raw data for the paper "Free and open-source software for object detection, size, and colour determination for use in plant phenotyping".
Five zipped files that are the following data sets
Location - Data for generating Fig2 comparing colour correction using 4 different locations and lighting.
Lycopene - Data for generating fig3 from the spectrophotometry for determining the lycopene content in tomatoes. - Data for generating figure 4 and figure 5, comparing the use of three different cameras and generating models for predicting lycopene content. - Data for generating figure 6, the validation of the Nikon data. - Data for generating figure 7 and 8, predicting chlorophyll content of leaves from the colour.
Harnessing and integrating disease suppressive microbes and synthetic soils for sustainable, low input horticulture
UK Research and Innovation
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- There is no personal data or any that requires ethical approval
- The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing
Sharing and access restrictions
- The uploaded data can be shared openly
Data description
- The file formats are open or commonly used
Methodology, headings and units
- There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt