The University of Sheffield

Frontal lobe-related cognition in the context of self-disgust.

posted on 2023-06-25, 18:21 authored by Vasileia Aristotelidou, Ana Vivas, Paul OvertonPaul Overton

The "Contribution of Executive Function and Emotion Regulation strategies to the experience of self-disgust.xls" summarizes the findings of a study that aimed to investigate the contribution of executive function (EF) and emotion regulation (ER) strategies to the experience of self-disgust in healthy adults. Previous research has focused on the symptoms of self-disgust in relation to psychopathology but has neglected the mechanisms involved in regulating self-disgust (Tsatali et al., 2019; Vivas et al., 2021). To address this gap, the present study examined the role of top-down cognitive processes, specifically inhibitory control within the domain of EF, and its interaction with ER strategies in the experience of experimentally induced and self-reported self-disgust. A total of 163 neurologically healthy adults participated in an online study, which included measures of trait and narration-induced state self-disgust, frequency of ER strategy use, and the Stop Signal task to assess response inhibition. The results indicated that ER strategy (specifically avoidance) did not mediate the relationship between inhibition and self-disgust. Furthermore, state and trait measures of self-disgust were associated differently with ER strategies and inhibition. Overall, the findings suggest that cognitive factors, as indicated by inhibition ability and ER strategies, do not play a significant role in the experience of self-disgust.

The "Contribution of updating in Working memory, Theory of Mind, Self- attention bias and Cognitive reappraisal efficiency to the experience of self-disgust.xls" summarizes the findings of the second study, which aimed to explore the cognitive factors contributing to self-disgust. As a follow- up to the first study, we included another key component of EF, that is updating in working memory, which has been found to significantly predict successful regulation of basic emotions (Schmeichel & Tang, 2015). In addition, we investigated affective ToM and self-attention which have been proposed to play a key role in the generation of SCEs (Tracy & Robins, 2004). The study involved 68 young adults without neurological conditions who participated in various tasks to measure updating, Theory of Mind (ToM), self-attention bias, and cognitive reappraisal efficiency. Trait self-disgust was assessed using the SDS questionnaire, while self-disgust state was measured through an instructed emotion induction paradigm. The results showed that trait self-disgust was negatively associated with ToM for negative emotions and positively correlated with cognitive reappraisal efficiency. However, the relationship between self-disgust and the other cognitive processes examined in the study was limited. These findings suggest that self-disgust is a distinct negative emotional schema that relies on separate neural networks.

The "Data description_READme.doc" file contains a description or instructions related to the data collection process, methods, procedures, and participant information for two studies (refer to the attached xls files). It provides detailed information about the chosen data collection methods and the procedures implemented to ensure accuracy and reliability. This includes the development of interview protocols or survey questionnaires, data collector training, and guidelines for data collection and recording.

Additionally, the document specifies the criteria used for participant selection and the sampling methods employed, such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or purposive sampling. Overall, the "Data description_READme.doc" file serves as a comprehensive guide, offering researchers and readers a clear understanding of how the data was collected, the methods utilized, the procedures followed, and the characteristics of the participants involved in the study.

Schmeichel, B. J., & Tang, D. (2015). Individual Differences in Executive Functioning and Their Relationship to Emotional Processes and Responses. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(2), 93–98.

Tracy, J., & Robins, R. (2004). Putting the Self into Self-conscious Emotions: A Theoretical Model. Psychological Inquiry - PSYCHOL INQ, 15, 103–125.

Tsatali, M., Overton, P. G., & Vivas, A. B. (2019). Self-reported and experimentally induced self-disgust is heightened in Parkinson’s disease: Contribution of behavioural symptoms. PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0223663.

Vivas, A. B., Hussain-Showaiter, S. M., & Overton, P. G. (2021). Schizophrenia decreases guilt and increases self-disgust: Potential role of altered executive function. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 1–11.



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