The University of Sheffield

Low-use properties maps and LSOA data files

Version 2 2024-05-14, 12:06
Version 1 2024-05-07, 16:27
posted on 2024-05-14, 12:06 authored by Rowland AtkinsonRowland Atkinson, Jonathan Bourne, Rafaella Simas Lima

Maps and data from our low-use properties dataset, includes maps at national and small area levels within all returning (205) local authorities across the UK. Data for Scotland is complete, no data available for Northern Ireland.

This repository contains the digital outputs of the Project 'Low-use homes in rural and coastal areas of the UK: Geography impact and responses'.

The report and executive summary are available from the White Rose Repository


This repository contains the following:

- Map folders

- Dataset files

## Maps

- maps_absolute: Maps for each local authority for which the project had data, coloured by the low-use decile of each LSOA of the local authority relative to the entire dataset

- maps_relative: Maps for each local authority for which the project had data, coloured by the low-use decile of each LSOA of the local authority relative to the local authority.

- maps_country: Maps that the cover each of the countries in Great Britain i.e. England, Scotland, Wales. Their are two sets of maps, maps coloured by decile, and maps coloured by whether the price difference between low-use homes and occupied homes is statistically significant.

### Explanation on the difference between the relative and absolute deciles

When looking at the absolute and relative maps of the local authority of Dorset, it is clear they are very different. In the absolute map Dorset has a lot of D10, whilst in the relative map there is an even spread. This is because deciles always represent 10% of the data, so the relative map has 10% of the Dorset LSOA's in each of the 10 deciles. However, Dorset has a much higher number of low-use properties than the average local authority, so the absolute map has significantly more LSOA in the 10th decile. You can see in the legend of the maps that the decile boundaries are different. The table below compares the national level deciles (absolute) with the deciles for Dorset (relative) which has more than average low-use homes, and the decile boundaries for Colchester, which has less than average low-use homes.


- ghost_enclave_20.csv: List of LSOA with at least 20% low-use properties

- ghost_enclave_25.csv List of LSOA with at least 20% low-use properties

- highest_30_LUP_LADS.csv: The top 30 local authorities in terms of low-use properties

- low_use_price_extremes.csv: Most extreme ratios of house price to low-use for the three Nations

- low_use_price_extremes.xlsx: Most extreme ratios of house price to low-use for the three Nations

- weighted_price_LAD.csv: The entire dataset aggregated to local authority level


abrdn Financial Fairness Trust



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Methodology, headings and units

  • There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt

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    Department of Urban Studies and Planning


    Ref. manager