Low Noise Equivalent Power InAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Infrared Few-Photon Detection
Data from "Low Noise Equivalent Power InAs Avalanche Photodiodes for Infrared Few-Photon Detection".
Files include .png images of each figure and .csv files containing the data from each figure.
Fig. 1 - Simulated Be implant profile produced using transport of ions in Matter software.
Fig. 2 - Cross-sectional diagram of planar InAs APD device structure (not drawn to scale) (top). Scanning electron microscope image of several 80 × 80 µm2 pixels (bottom).
Fig. 3 - Capacitance (open symbols) and depletion width (closed symbols) of a 200 × 200 µm2 pixel (top) and unintentional doping level extracted from the capacitance measurement (bottom).
Fig. 4 - Reverse dark current density (solid line), avalanche gain (symbols), and gain normalized dark current density (dashed line) of a packaged 80 × 80 µm2 pixel measured in a liquid nitrogen cooled cryostat.
Fig. 5 - 1550-nm wavelength NEP of the APD/preamp configuration measured around 10 kHz with a 100-Hz span (symbols) and theoretical NEP (solid line).
Fig. 6 - SNR measurement (top) on a cooled 80 × 80 µm2 pixel optical power of 8.77 pW. Measured FFT spectra (bottom) at avalanche gains of 1 (solid black line), 54 (red dashed line), and 105 (dotted green line).
Fig. 7 - FFT spectra around 10 kHz (12-Hz span) with the detectors illuminated with weak 10-kHz modulated 1550-nm wavelength pulses.
Fig. 8 - Magnitudes of signal peaks at low optical powers (symbols) and linear fit (solid line).
Fig. 9 - Comparison of current–voltage characteristics of 80 × 80 µm2 (red lines) and a 200 × 200 µm2 (black lines) pixels with (solid lines) and without (dashed lines) shielding from blackbody radiation.
Fig. 10 - Reverse dark current density temperature dependence of a the temperature dependence of the diode’s ideality factor extracted from shielded 200 × 200 µm2 pixel between 80 and 280 K. The inset shows the forward current–voltage data of Fig. 9.
Fig. 11 - Temperature dependence of the dark current density at −0.1 V for a 200 × 200 µm2 pixel (symbols) and Arrhenius fits between 295 and 180 K (dashed line) and 180 and 120 K (dotted line).
Fig. 12 - Dark currents at −0.1 V of pixels of different areas measured between 295 and 140 K (symbols) plotted with expected bulk dark currents extrapolated from the largest area pixels (dashed lines).
EPSRC: EP/S026428/1
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