Mappin Green Roof Test Bed Rainfall and Runoff Data 2007
Excel spreadsheet containing rainfall and green roof runoff data for the calendar year 2007. There are three tabs, providing the same data in daily, hourly and 5-minute temporal resolutions.
All data is in mm per time step.
For more information about the experimental set-up, please refer to Stovin et al. (2012). Please note that the data analysis presented in that paper was undertaken with a 1-minute resolution version of the data, which is not included here. However, all key findings can be reproduced with the 5-minute resolution data provided here.
The hourly resolution data was used to validate the green roof retention model presented in Stovin et al. (2013).
Stovin, V., Vesuviano, G. and Kasmin, H., 2012, The hydrological performance of a green roof test bed under UK climatic conditions, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 414-415, 148-161. ISSN 0022-1694. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.10.02
Stovin, V., Poë, S. and Berretta, C, 2013, A modelling study of long term green roof retention performance, Journal of Environmental Management, 131, 206-215. DOI:
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