This repository contains the model, data and supplementary material for the paper 'Muscle recruitment
strategies can reduce joint loading during level walking' by van Veen, Montefiori, Modenese, Mazzà and Viceconti.
README files that explain the file contents are provided.
Ethical approval
p01: Ethical approval for the data collection was provided by the
University Research Ethics Committee at the University of Sheffield.
p02: The original dataset was provided through the Knee Grand Challenge (Fregly et al., 2012).
p03: The data were previously collected as part of the
MD-Paedigree project (EC 7th FP, ICT Programme, Ref. No. 600932).
The data were provided as part of the MultiSim project (EPSRC Frontier
Engineering Awards, Ref. No. EP/K03877X/1) for which the data collection
was approved by the NHS research ethics committee.
This project was partly funded by the EPSRC Frontier Engineering Awards, Grant Reference No. EP/K03877X/1.
I have ethical approval and have included the number in the description field