The University of Sheffield
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0002.npz (36.58 MB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0003.npz (5.29 MB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0004.npz (27.9 MB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0005.npz (7.97 MB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0006.npz (26.9 MB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0007.npz (1010.93 kB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0008.npz (761.9 MB)
sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0001.npz (8.43 MB)
8 files

Monitoring of Argon plasma in a coating manufacturing process by utilising IR imaging techniques Thermal Recordings (NPZ Files)

posted on 2024-07-31, 13:22 authored by David MillerDavid Miller


This dataset contains the thermal imaging recordings made during the experiments investigating the effect of gas flow rate on the shape of the plasma. The index at the end of the file name denotes the order they were taken. The plasma tool head is positioned on the right of the image with the plasma and powder travelling from the right to the left of the image.

These files are the temperature exported at an emissivity of 0.74, the emissivity of the tool head. These are the corresponding files for the recordings in the collection Thermal Camera Recordings (CSQ Files).

File Format

The files are in NPZ format and can be loaded into Python using the np.load method. The array shape NxHxW where N is the number of frames, H is height and W is width.

Process Parameters

  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0001: 30V, 500A, 40 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0002: 30V, 500A, 40 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0003: 30V, 500A, 50 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0004: 30V, 500A, 60 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0005: 30V, 500A, 70 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0006: 30V, 500A, 80 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0007: 30V, 500A, 80 SL/MIN
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0008: 30V, 500A, 80 SL/MIN

Recording Notes

  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0001: First run failed due to camera running out of battery
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0002: Good run
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0003: Starts with PULSE material flow rate rather than fixed
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0004: Powder level running low. May affect contrast and luminosity
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0005: Stopped early due to loss of power to recording PC
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0006: Ran out of gas
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0007: Redo of sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0006
  • sheffield_doe_flowrate_gasrate_0008: Start of the recording had recording range set to 20 C - 120 C range and was corrected part way through.


Intelligent engineering coatings for in-manufacture and in-service monitoring of critical safety products (CoatIN)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • Headings and units are explained in the files


  • The depositor is responsible for the content and sharing of the attached files

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    Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering



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