Orphan Drugs - Dataset 1: Twitter issue-networks as excluded publics
This dataset comprises of two .csv format files used within workstream 2
of the Wellcome Trust funded ‘Orphan drugs: High prices, access to medicines
and the transformation of biopharmaceutical innovation’ project
(219875/Z/19/Z). They appear in various outputs, e.g. publications and
The deposited data were gathered using the University of Amsterdam Digital
Methods Institute’s ‘Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolset’ (DMI-TCAT) before
being processed and extracted from Gephi. DMI-TCAT queries Twitter’s STREAM
Application Programming Interface (API) using SQL and retrieves data on a pre-set
text query. It then sends the returned data for storage on a MySQL database.
The tool allows for output of that data in various formats. This process aligns
fully with Twitter’s service user terms and conditions. The query for the
deposited dataset gathered a 1% random sample of all public tweets posted
between 10-Feb-2021 and 10-Mar-2021 containing the text ‘Rare Diseases’ and/or
‘Rare Disease Day’, storing it on a local MySQL database managed by the University
of Sheffield School of Sociological Studies (http://dmi-tcat.shef.ac.uk/analysis/index.php), accessible only
via a valid VPN such as FortiClient and through a permitted active directory user
profile. The dataset was output from the MySQL database raw as a .gexf format
file, suitable for social network analysis (SNA). It was then opened using
Gephi (0.9.2) data visualisation software and anonymised/pseudonymised in Gephi
as per the ethical approval granted by the University of Sheffield School of
Sociological Studies Research Ethics Committee on 02-Jun-201 (reference:
039187). The deposited dataset comprises of two anonymised/pseudonymised social
network analysis .csv files extracted from Gephi, one containing node data
(Issue-networks as excluded publics – Nodes.csv) and another containing edge
data (Issue-networks as excluded publics – Edges.csv). Where participants
explicitly provided consent, their original username has been provided. Where
they have provided consent on the basis that they not be identifiable, their
username has been replaced with an appropriate pseudonym. All other usernames
have been anonymised with a randomly generated 16-digit key. The level of
anonymity for each Twitter user is provided in column C of deposited file
‘Issue-networks as excluded publics – Nodes.csv’.
This dataset was created and deposited
onto the University of Sheffield Online Research Data repository (ORDA) on
26-Aug-2021 by Dr. Matthew S. Hanchard, Research Associate at the University of
Sheffield iHuman institute/School of Sociological Studies. ORDA has full
permission to store this dataset and to make it open access for public re-use
without restriction under a CC BY license, in line with the Wellcome Trust commitment
to making all research data Open Access.
The University of Sheffield are the designated data controller for this
Orphan drugs: High prices, access to medicines and the transformation of biopharmaceutical innovation
- The project has ethical approval and have included the number in the description field
- The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing
Sharing and access restrictions
- The data can be shared openly
Data description
- The file formats are open or commonly used
Methodology, headings and units
- There is a readme.txt file describing the methodology, headings and units