The University of Sheffield

Positive effects of music on sleep exist but relate to neither musical properties nor preferences

posted on 2024-04-11, 07:45 authored by Rory Kirk

This repository contains data collected during a study on the effects of music on sleep in an at-home night-time study, including responses to pre- and post- study questionnaires with music ratings and sleep diaries collected over 16 nights. Two files are included, described below:

## data_prepost

This file contains data gathered in the pre-screening phase of the study (Q1-31) and a post-study survey (Q32-46). Questions are given in the column headings, additional notes as follows:

Q5 – Participants were asked to indicate which time format they would use in the subsequent questions. In the post-study survey, participants were told to use 24hr clock form.

Q6-16 – Pre-screening PSQI questions (Buysse et al., 1989).

Q18-19 – Mood questions rated on nine-point scales (1-9). Headings indicate left | right poles of the scale.

Q21-30 – Music ratings given on nine-point scales (1-9) and open comment responses for each track. Headings indicate left | right poles of the scale. The track list is, in order:

21: Dan Evans-Parker – Hush,

22: SonicAid - Drifting Into Delta,

23: Max Richter – Dream 13 (minus even),

24: Max Richter – Dream 3 (in the midst of my life),

25: Nothintosay - For You,

26: S N U G - Missing You,

27: Ryohei Shimoyama – Winter Milky Way,

28: Erik Satie – Gymnopedie no.1 (Ron Adelaar),

29: Steve Devon – Only Trust Your Heart,

30: ThePianoPlayer - Sogni d’oro.

Q32-42 – Post-study PSQI questions.

Q43-44 – Music ratings for the two playlists used in the study (Music A, Music B) given on nine-point scales (1-9) and open comment responses for each track. Headings indicate left | right poles of the scale.

Q45 – Response items in the question ‘The following question is about the impact this study has had on how you view your sleep health and habits. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements’, rated from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

## data_sleepdiaries

Responses during the main study, including an evening questionnaire (Q1-7), answered at bedtime, and morning questionnaire (Q8-21), answered as soon as possible after waking up and getting out of bed. The morning questionnaire includes the Core version of the Consensus Sleep Diary (Carney et al., 2012).

Order – night/morning of participating in the study for each participant, i.e., 1st night, 2nd night, etc. Missing entries or responses containing errors have been excluded.

Q3-4 – Mood questions rated on nine-point scales (1-9). Headings indicate left | right poles of the scale.

This study received ethical approval from the University of Sheffield, application no.: 052445.


DTP 2018-19 University of Sheffield

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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  • There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt

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    Department of Music



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