SEHI (Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging) dataset of Metal alloy and Carbon film (Palladium Silver Carbon complex film)
This data repository can be used as benchmark data for the purpose of material characterization, particularly for investigating nanostructures and chemical properties in materials using SEHI (Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging), as well as research in Scanning Electron Microscopy and Secondary Electron (SE) spectroscopy, and advanced image processing and data analysis (computer vision and machine learning) techniques.
This work is supported by the UK EPSRC EP/V012126/1 the grant ‘‘SEE MORE, MAKE MORE: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimisation for Reliable Manufacturing of Key Materials’’. Contact: SM3 (SEE MORE MAKE MORE) project PI, Professor Cornelia Rodenburg,
We also acknowledge the support from Insigneo Institute for In Silico Medicine in Sheffield.
The complex metal alloy (palladium silver, abbreviated as Pd-Ag) and carbon films were printed by University of Liverpool, and a Helios Nanolab G3 UC microscope was used to acquire the raw image stacks [1]. One can find more information from [1] regarding the sample preparation, and experimental conditions. This dataset contains four processed SEHI stacks (cropped and aligned) collected from different regions of interest, and the associated metadata.
[1] Abrams, K.J., Dapor, M., Stehling, N., Azzolini, M., Kyle, S.J., Schäfer, J., Quade, A., Mika, F., Kratky, S., Pokorna, Z., et al., 2019. Making sense of complex carbon and metal/carbon systems by secondary electron hyperspectral imaging. Advanced Science 6, 1900719.
SEE MORE MAKE MORE: Secondary Electron Energy Measurement Optimisation for Reliable Manufacturing of Key Materials
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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