The University of Sheffield

Simulated 16 & 32 stage Normal, Feed-Forward and XOR Arbiter PUF CRPs

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posted on 2024-09-25, 08:41 authored by Owen Millwood, Meltem Kurt Pehlivanoglu, Aryan Mohammadi PasikhaniAryan Mohammadi Pasikhani, Prosanta GopeProsanta Gope, Jack MiskellyJack Miskelly, Elif Bilge Kavun

Included are in both .txt and .csv format the data generated from the simulated 16 and 32 stage Arbiter PUFs (Normal APUF, Feed-Forward APUF and XOR APUF) used to to perform the experimental work in Chapter 4 of the PhD Thesis 'Leveraging DRAM-based Physically Unclonable Functions for Enhancing Authentication in Resource-Constrained Applications' by Owen Millwood (also in publication [1]).

C_Origin provides the initial set of challenges input to the scheme, Output gives the two (for 16 stage) and four (for 32 stage) bit outputs.

This dataset is compatible with the code found using the following DOI: 10.15131/

[1] O. Millwood, M. K. Pehlivanoğlu, A. Mohammadi Pasikhani, J. Miskelly, P. Gope and E. B. Kavun, "A Generic Obfuscation Framework for Preventing ML-Attacks on Strong-PUFs through Exploitation of DRAM-PUFs," 2023 IEEE 8th European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), Delft, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 92-106, doi: 10.1109/EuroSP57164.2023.00015.



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