The University of Sheffield
CG2019_SPIV_Test01_01.mat (825.81 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test01_02.mat (825.91 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test01_03.mat (826.23 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test01_04.mat (826.17 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test01_05.mat (822.82 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test02_01.mat (825.7 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test02_02.mat (825.41 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test02_03.mat (825.68 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test02_04.mat (825.72 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test02_05.mat (1.61 GB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test03_01.mat (822.13 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test03_02.mat (822.56 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test03_03.mat (822.27 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test03_04.mat (822.48 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test03_05.mat (818.87 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test04_01.mat (817.9 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test04_02.mat (817.47 MB)
CG2019_SPIV_Test04_03.mat (160.57 MB)
README.txt (4.39 kB)
19 files

Surface Velocity Fields from Experiments in Flow Through Emergent Vegetation

posted on 2021-09-06, 10:01 authored by Jesus Corredor Garcia, Alexandre Delalande, Virginia StovinVirginia Stovin, Ian GuymerIan Guymer
This dataset includes the velocity information used for the analysis presented in the paper

Corredor-Garcia J.L., Delalande A., Stovin V., Guymer I. (2020) On the Use of Surface PIV for the Characterization of Wake Area in Flows Through Emergent Vegetation.
In: Kalinowska M., Mrokowska M., Rowiński P. (eds) Recent Trends in Environmental Hydraulics. GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences. Springer, Cham.

The dataset includes the spatial and temporal velocity information from a series of experiments of flow through emergent vegetation, using Surface PIV.

The datafiles save the velocity information, spatial coordinates, masks (vegetation) and temporal information as matrices in a series of .mat files (i.e. binary MATLAB® files that store workspace variables)



  • There is no personal data or any that requires ethical approval


  • The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing

Sharing and access restrictions

  • The data can be shared openly

Data description

  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • Headings and units are explained in the files
  • There is a readme.txt file describing the methodology, headings and units