The University of Sheffield

The dietary impact of the Norman Conquest project data

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posted on 2020-06-11, 07:21 authored by Elizabeth Craig-AtkinsElizabeth Craig-Atkins, Ben Jervis, Richard Madgwick, Lucy Cramp, Simon Hammann, Sandra Nederbragt, Elizabeth Nicholson, Helen Whelton, Allie Taylor
This database contains the full dataset generated during the Dietary Impact of the Norman Conquest Project and published in the paper 'The Dietary Impact of the Norman Conquest: A Multiproxy Archaeological Investigation of Oxford, UK'.

The data was obtained from analysis of archaeological materials from Oxford dating to 10th-13th centuries AD. The database is divided into five datasets based on method and material: residue analysis of pottery; bulk sample N and C isotope analysis of animal bone; bulk sample N and C isotope analysis of animal bone human bone; osteological analysis of human remains and incremental N and C isotope analysis of human tooth dentine.

Some data included in this file was not obtained by original research during this project. Where data has been synthesised from other sources, references to the original publication of the data are provided. References to relevant archaeological site reports are provided in the publication.


The Royal Archaeological Institute Tony Clark Memorial Fund for Archaeological Science

The Society of Antiquaries of London Research Grant

The Society for Medieval Archeology Research Grant



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    Department of Archaeology



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