The University of Sheffield

Transverse Dispersion in Vegetation across a Shear-layer 2016: Artificial, Carex, Typha

posted on 2018-10-12, 13:01 authored by Patrick West, James Hart, Fred SonnenwaldFred Sonnenwald, Virginia StovinVirginia Stovin, Ian GuymerIan Guymer
The data describes transverse concentrations of a neutrally buoyant solute across a shear layer in water past two measurement locations within a partially vegetated channel with emergent vegetation. It also describes accompanying transverse profiles of longitudinal velocity. Measurements were conducted in five types of vegetation, low-density artificial vegetation, high-density artificial vegetation, Carex Acutiformis, winter Typha Latifolia, and summer Typha Latifolia.

This data set is suitable for estimating transverse dispersion across a shear-layer. It accompanies the journal article submission entitled "A CFD-based mixing model for vegetated flows".


EPSRC grants EP/K024442/1 and EP/K025589/1
