Urban Green DaMS: Bioretention Column Detention Data
This dataset is a complete record of all data compiled as part of a series of five controlled inflow tests to identify the detention behaviour in a series of differently configured bioretention columns. The experimental work was conducted at The University of Sheffield’s Arthur Willis Environment Centre in Sheffield, UK, from September 2020 to June 2022 (21 months). This data accompanies the journal article ’Bioretention column detention test data for percolation model evaluation’ (Stovin et al., Submitted). The dataset was collected, processed and compiled for publication by Dr Simon De-Ville as part of the Urban Green DaMS project, EPSRC Grant Number EP/S005536/1.
A full description of the data and experimental methods used to obtain it is presented in the README file.
Urban Green DaMS (Design and Modelling of SuDS)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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Methodology, headings and units
- There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt
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