‘Life at the Frontier’ - Rotherham (UK) case study qualitative data
Data from expert interviews in Rotherham (UK) conducted in project ‘Life at the Frontier: Researching the Impact of Social Frontiers on the Social Mobility and Integration of Migrants’ (2020-2023; project no 95193).
The rise in international migration has brought important cultural and economic opportunities. It has also posed challenges, both for migrants and for wider society, in terms of integration and settlement, access to labour markets, housing and education. Social frontiers arise when neighbouring communities are very different in terms of their cultural, ethnic and/or social make-up, and the spatial transition in these characteristics is abrupt, rather than gradual. Recent research finds that social frontiers are associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression and crime. Our concern is that social frontiers also impede education and employment outcomes, leading to lower social mobility.
Data deposited here is based on fieldwork conducted in the UK case study area of Rotherham West, specifically the neighbourhoods of Ferham, Masbrough and Kimberworth. Data consists of 11 anonymised transcripts of interviews conducted with experts.
Data Description
The data consists of 11 qualitative interviews with representatives of a range of government and non-government organisations operating in Rotherham West. All interviews were conducted in English. These interviews were conducted both online and in person between September 2021 and November 2022. The objectives of the qualitative fieldwork were to: 1). Speak to a range of experts and residents about Rotherham West in order to understand the key social, economic and political challenges facing residents, and 2). Confirm the validity of statistical social frontiers by exploring the extent to which they resonate with local experiences and daily lives. The project also involved interviews with 23 residents across the study area as well as a series of group-based data collection and knowledge exchange activities. Key findings include significant knowledge regarding the effect of social frontiers on the neighbourhoods of Ferham, Masbrough and Kimberworth as well as a range of ‘bridge-building’ activities undertaken by residents and community organisers.
This metadata repository includes a detailed methodological report (LATF_Technical-report) presenting the fieldwork design and post-fieldwork data preparation, consent forms and information sheets for expert and resident interviewees, our interview anonymisation protocol and 11 expert interview transcripts.
The datasets are saved in the linked data repository under embargo.
The research received ethical approval from the University of Sheffield (042378).
Please contact A.Piekut@sheffield.ac.uk for further information.
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