The University of Sheffield

Figures for the review article: 'In Vitro Bone Cell Models: Impact of Fluid Shear Stress on Bone formation'

posted on 2016-11-04, 09:58 authored by Claudia WittkowskeClaudia Wittkowske, Cecile Perrault, Damien LacroixDamien Lacroix, Gwendolen ReillyGwendolen Reilly
This folder contains the figures which were included in the review article "In Vitro Bone Cell Models: Impact of Fluid Shear Stress on Bone formation" (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4:87. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2016.00087). This review describes the role of bone cells and their surrounding matrix in maintaining bone strength through the process of bone remodeling. Subsequently, this work focusses on how bone formation is guided by mechanical forces and fluid shear stress in particular. In vitro, it has been reported that bone cells respond to fluid shear stress by releasing osteogenic signaling factors, such as nitric oxide, and prostaglandins. This work focusses on the application of in vitro models to study the effects of fluid flow on bone cell signaling, collagen deposition, and matrix mineralization.


MultiSim, an EPSRC Frontier Engineering Award, Grant Reference No. EP/K03877X/1



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