The University of Sheffield

COST Action TU1207 Next Generation Design Guidelines for Composites in Construction: End of Action Conference Proceedings

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Version 2 2017-05-26, 10:44
Version 1 2017-05-26, 08:57
journal contribution
posted on 2017-05-26, 10:44 authored by Maurizio GuadagniniMaurizio Guadagnini

Construction is rapidly becoming the leading outlet for FRP composites. Although the use of composite materials in construction started in the 1980s, civil engineers only recently started gaining confidence in this technology for use in primary structural applications. Despite the considerable technological developments in this field, there are still key scientific and logistical issues that need to be addressed for the widespread acceptance in construction. For example, existing design recommendations are largely based on work carried out more than fifteen years ago on first generation reinforcing products and their conservativeness is hindering the development of innovative and more efficient products and design solutions.

This Action aims to:

· coordinate European research in the field
· develop and maintain a critical mass of researchers
· offer a link between academia and industry
· develop a new generation of design guidelines based on European Standards

This will facilitate the adoption of European products not only in Europe but also internationally and help Europe stay one step ahead of International competitors.

This conference proceedings marks the end of four years of activities and includes 55 individual contributions on key areas of development, from material development to testing, design and application.


