The University of Sheffield

Self-Reconfiguration in Two-Dimensions via Active Subtraction with Modular Robots (Supplementary Video Material)

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posted on 2020-06-22, 07:06 authored by Matthew Hall, Anil Ozdemir, Roderich GrossRoderich Gross
Video material demonstrating the use of sequential and parallel active subtraction in self-reconfiguration of simulated modular robots.

Example of the work presented in "Self-Reconfiguration in Two-Dimensions via Active Subtraction with Modular Robots". The project is concerned with the development of a self-reconfiguration strategy for modular robots, specifically making use of the novel "active subtraction" method of self-reconfiguration. That is, where modules remove themselves from an initial configuration to produce the desired structure.


EPSRC Doctoral Training National Productivity Scholarship



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