Developing a Reduced-Order Groundwater Model for Managing Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers
Island aquifers are coastal groundwater systems recharged solely by local precipitation. These aquifers are typically lens-shaped and particularly vulnerable to seawater intrusion (SWI), sea level rise, and groundwater pumping. These effects may ultimately lead to increased management costs and/or aquifer salinization. The management of island aquifers, requires identifying pumping strategies that trade off the groundwater supply cost, which depends mainly on pump operation and water desalination treatment, against the intensity of SWI. In this poster, we will present the results of a study in which these trade-offs have been explored quantitatively using an optimization framework combined with a variable density groundwater flow model. Our focus has been on the San Salvador Island aquifer, Bahamas, for which we highlight the precarious balance between the economics, the sustainability, and the vulnerability of the groundwater system.
POSTER Presented at: Geological Society London’s Ineson Lecture Meeting 2022, London, UK, 8 November 2022
UK EPSRC Grant ref no. EP/T018542/1
US NSF Award no. 1903405
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