Mapping alcohol and tobacco tax interventions for health in the UK: A qualitative framework analysis
This poster was presented at the 2019 Public Health Science conference DOI:
It summarises the results of this paper:
Hatchard J., Buykx P., Wilson L., Brennan A., Gillespie D. Mapping alcohol and tobacco tax policy interventions to inform health and economic impact analyses: A United Kingdom based qualitative framework analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2023;122:104247. doi:
This work was conducted as part of the "SYNTAX" project: Integrated evidence synthesis for joint appraisal of tobacco and alcohol tax interventions for harm reduction in the UK
For more information about that project see
Ethical approval was obtained from the Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research Ethics Committee at the University of Sheffield (ref. 017409, 2018) and confirmed by the REACH Committee at the University of Bath. During the recruitment process, the joint nature of the proposed interviews was made explicit to participants so that all understood that they would be interviewed alongside a second participant. Written consent was obtained from participants at the start of each interview, including acknowledgement that participants would respect the anonymity of their co-interviewee outside the interview itself.
Data sharing
For the data underlying this poster see the published research article above and its supplementary material files.
Integrated evidence synthesis for joint appraisal of tobacco and alcohol tax interventions for harm reduction in the UK
NIHR Evaluation Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre
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