The University of Sheffield
Day 1 - 01 James Hart - Longitudinal Dispersion in Pipes for Steady and Unsteady Flows.pdf (2.57 MB)
Day 1 - 02 Zhangjie Peng - Quantifying Cross-sectional Concentrations in Accelerating Flows.pdf (1.59 MB)
Day 1 - 03 Stefania Piazza - A Novel EPANET Integration for the Diffusive–Dispersive Transport of Tracers.pdf (4.25 MB)
Day 1 - 04 Steve Buchberger - Modelling Longitudinal Dispersion in Premise Plumbing – is it needed.pdf (5.59 MB)
Day 1 - 05 Jonathan Burkhardt - EPAs Research into Premise Plumbing Systems Dispersion and Applications.pdf (1.76 MB)
Day 1 - 06 Mirjam Blokker - Applications to managing distribution networks.pdf (4.15 MB)
Day 1 - 07 Johnny Petersen - Advection-Diffusion Solver Suitable for Fluid Circulation in Drilling.pdf (1.83 MB)
Day 1 - 08 Fred Sonnenwald - Manhole Mixing and Modelling.pdf (10.67 MB)
Day 1 - 09 Joe Shuttleworth - Sewer Modelling for Wastewater-based Epidemiology.pdf (4.47 MB)
Day 1 - 10 Ole Mark - Travel time for in sewer treatment.pdf (22.17 MB)
Day 1 - 11 Francois Clemens - Non-invasive Measuring System for the Dynamics of FOG Deposits.pdf (6 MB)
Day 2 - 01 Inez Plugge Porter - Quantifying the Spatial Variation in Cross-shore Mixing in the Surf Zone.pdf (1.7 MB)
Day 2 - 02 Jean Lacoursiere - In-situ assessment of hydraulic roughness in a vegetated channel.pdf (7.76 MB)
Day 2 - 03 Inhwan Park - The Spatial Routing Procedure for Estimation of Dispersion Coefficient.pdf (7.65 MB)
Day 2 - 04 Ian Guymer - Influence of Vegetation on Pond Residence Times.pdf (4.77 MB)
Day 2 - 05 Virginia Stovin - CFD Study of Mixing within Random Cylinder Arrays.pdf (5 MB)
Day 2 - 06 Leo Corredor Garcia - Characterization of Hydrodynamics and Mixing Processes in Obstructed Flows.pdf (4.33 MB)
Day 2 - 07 Kevin Spence - Transverse dispersion in a compound channel.pdf (5.91 MB)
Day 2 - 08 Kaisa Vastila - Longitudinal dispersion affected by willow patches.pdf (3.09 MB)
Day 2 - 09 Monika Kalinowska - Influence of vegetation coverage on mixing in the reach scale.pdf (25.5 MB)
21 files

Slides from the Mixing Processes in Pipes, Sewers & the Natural Environment from Theory to Practice workshop

posted on 2023-07-27, 14:35 authored by Ian GuymerIan Guymer, James Hart, Zhangjie Peng, Stefania Piazza, Steve Buchberger, Jonathan Burkhardt, Mirjam Blokker, Johnny Petersen, Fred SonnenwaldFred Sonnenwald, Joe Shuttleworth, Ole Mark, Francois Clemens, Inez Plugge Porter, Jean O. Lacoursière, Inhwan Park, Virginia StovinVirginia Stovin, Jesus Leonardo Corredor Garcia, Kevin Spence, Kaisa Västilä, Monika B. Kalinowska, Mick J. Whelan

This dataset contains the slides presented at the workshop on mixing processes in pipes, sewers and the natural environment from theory to practice on the 18th and 19th of April 2023 at the University of Sheffield. This workshop, supported by the EPSRC and IAHR, was organised by Professor Ian Guymer to bring together researchers, environmental regulators, engineering consultants and water utilities, to hear the latest international research on mixing processes.

File names are in the format of "Day X - YY Name - Presentation title", where X is the workshop day and YY is the order of presentation. The files are in the PDF format. Some images have been removed to comply with copyright.

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Modelling Mixing Mechanisms in 1D Water Network Models

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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