Fostering Open Qualitative Research - Final Project Report
Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Final Project Report
This report was created and deposited onto the University of Sheffield Online Research Data repository (ORDA) on 14-Dec-2023 by Dr. Matthew S. Hanchard, Research Associate at the University of Sheffield iHuman Institute.
The report presents findings and recommendations from a project titled ‘Fostering cultures of open qualitative research’ which ran from January 2023 to June 2023. The project was funded with £13,913.85 of Research England monies held internally by the University of Sheffield - as part of their ‘Enhancing Research Cultures’ scheme 2022-2023.
Research within the report aligns with ethical approval granted by the University of Sheffield School of Sociological Studies Research Ethics Committee (ref: 051118) on 23-Jan-2021.This includes due concern for participant anonymity and data management. ORDA has full permission to store and make available datasets and reports from the project for public viewing and reuse on the basis that no commercial gain will be made from reuse. It has been deposited under a CC-BY-NC licence. Overall, the report relies on the below datasets:
Survey Responses:
Hanchard M and San Roman Pineda I (2023) Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 1 – Survey Responses. The University of Sheffield. DOI: 10.15131/
Hanchard M and San Roman Pineda I (2023) Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 2 – Interview Transcripts. The University of Sheffield. DOI: 10.15131/
Hanchard M and San Roman Pineda I (2023) Fostering cultures of open qualitative research: Dataset 3 – Workshop Transcript. The University of Sheffield. DOI: 10.15131/
The project report covers research undertaken by two staff:
Dr. Itzel San Roman Pineda
ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-3785-8057
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Labelled as ‘Researcher 1’ throughout all project datasets.
Principal Investigator (corresponding dataset author):
Dr. Matthew Hanchard
ORCiD ID: 0000-0003-2460-8638
Research Associate
iHuman Institute, Social Research Institutes, Faculty of Social Science
Labelled as ‘Researcher 2’ throughout all project datasets.
Research England (internal award) 'Enhancing research cultures' 2022-2023 round
- The project has ethical approval and the number is included in the description field
- The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing
Sharing and access restrictions
- The uploaded data can be shared openly
Data description
- The file formats are open or commonly used
Methodology, headings and units
- There is a file including methodology, headings and units, such as a readme.txt