The University of Sheffield

Pathways to University - The Journey Through Care: Findings Report Two

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Version 3 2020-12-02, 11:03
Version 2 2020-11-20, 00:43
Version 1 2020-11-18, 11:38
posted on 2020-11-24, 12:20 authored by Katie EllisKatie Ellis, Claire Johnston
We conducted research with 234 care experienced university students in England and Wales to explore their experiences of the journey through care. The population of care leavers included in this research were perceived to be educational high achievers, yet the overwhelming majority described difficult journeys through care. The recommendations at the end of this report highlight potential gaps in services, and identify particular flash points that created stress, trauma and tension. We call for action from Government and Policy Makers to accelerate support and promote achievement for those with care experience.

This report follows Pathways to University from Care: Findings Report One, which can be found here: 10.15131/


The Leverhulme Trust



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