Report Infancias, diversidades y pueblos indigenas
Spanish language technical report published by the team on
the British Academy GCRF grant “Diverse Childhoods and Educational Inequalities
in Argentina”.
"Childhoods, diversities and indigenous populations. An analysis of digital
platforms and teaching materials developed in Argentina in 2020 during the
COVID-19 pandemic"
British Academy GCRF "Infancias diversas y desigualdades educativas en Argentina a partir de la Pandemia / Diverse Childhoods and Educational Inequalities in Argentina" (2021): Informe Técnico “Infancias, diversidades y pueblos indígenas. Análisis de las plataformas digitales y materiales pedagógicos elaborados en Argentina en 2020 para la continuidad educativa escolar durante la pandemia de COVID-19”.
Alternative Ethics Application 585
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Methodology, headings and units
- Headings and units are explained in the files