The University of Sheffield
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“It’s A Grey Area”: searching the grey literature on how local governments use real-world data

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posted on 2021-09-20, 15:33 authored by Mark ClowesMark Clowes, Anthea SuttonAnthea Sutton
Mark Clowes and Anthea Sutton, ScHARR information specialists with two decades of combined experience of literature searching in the context of systematic reviews, reflect on the challenges of finding grey literature for the NIHR-funded Unlocking Data project (led by Dr. Matt Franklin).





  • There is no personal data or any that requires ethical approval


  • The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing

Sharing and access restrictions

  • The data can be shared openly

Data description

  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • Headings and units are explained in the files