The University of Sheffield

A 2D Depth-averaged Advection Dispersion Equation Finite Difference Model Code for Transverse Solute Mixing

posted on 2025-02-03, 08:27 authored by Fred SonnenwaldFred Sonnenwald, Patrick West, Steve Wallis, James Hart, Virginia StovinVirginia Stovin, Ian GuymerIan Guymer

An Advection Diffusion Equation Finite Difference Model for predicting transverse concentration profiles from variable depth, velocity, and transverse dispersion coefficient profiles.

The MATLAB function ADE_FDM provides an implementation of the double sweep algorithm to numerically solve the 2D Advection-Diffusion Equation, Equation 3, in finite difference form, Equation A1 from West et al., 2021 in the MATLAB programming language.

This deposit includes the model code, ADE_FDM.m as well as the FDMdemo.mlx live script and FDMdemo.pdf version of the live script demonstrating the use of the model code.


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