The University of Sheffield

Heterogeneity in The Mechanical Properties of Integrins: Mech-ABM Codes and Algorithm

Version 2 2019-09-15, 17:16
Version 1 2019-08-30, 19:04
posted on 2019-09-15, 17:16 authored by Aban Shuaib
The file contains the codes and algorithms for the Mech-ABM. These include the descriptions of the algorithm to execute the mechanical model (Mech-), which deals with the biomechanics of the bone tissue; and the agent-based model (-ABM) which simulates the intercellular events of mechanotransduction after the activation of integrins (the predominant mechanoreceptors). The mechanical model is the .cpp with its application compute. The ABM files are file transition function code (.c), the agent-memory parameters (.xml) and 0.xml which include the initial state at t0. 0.xml include those for the homogeneous sensitive and ultrasensitive models and the heterogeneous models (10%-HM and 1%-HM). The files necessary for coupling the Mech- and the ABM models were included in the file "Essential Files to run hybrid model"


EPSRC Frontier Engineering Awards, MultiSim Project, Grant Reference No. EP/K03877X/1
