The University of Sheffield

Sheffield Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Model version 3: with the Embedding RCT health economic analyses implemented

Version 2 2025-01-20, 09:11
Version 1 2023-06-21, 17:00
posted on 2025-01-20, 09:11 authored by Daniel PollardDaniel Pollard, Katharine PiddKatharine Pidd, Penny BreezePenny Breeze, Alan BrennanAlan Brennan, Chloe ThomasChloe Thomas

This folder contains the economic model used to analyse the economic consequences of the Embedding RCT. The Embedding package was designed to increase the uptake of structured self management education for people with type 2 diabetes. The model is in R software, it requires the use of the doParrallel and dplyr packages, which can be downloaded from CRAN within R. The analysis was originally conducted in R version 4.4.1.The economic model is a mathematical simulation of the consequences of diabetes, with these driving estimates of costs and benefits over a life time. All simulated data that are input into the model for analysis are in the DATA folder. The individual level data on baseline characteristics or used to generate the estimates of how well Embedding is likely to work are not provided in this software and have data sharing methods (see the referenced papers for more details). The R script that runs the analyses in this project, is the Run All Analyses.R file.


  1. Davies MJ, Bodicoat DH, Brennan A, Dixon S, Eborall H, Glab A, Gray LJ, Hadjiconstantinou M, Huddlestone L, Hudson N, Keetharuth A. Uptake of self-management education programmes for people with type 2 diabetes in primary care through the embedding package: a cluster randomised control trial and ethnographic study. BMC Primary Care. 2024 Apr 25;25(1):136.
  2. Davies MJ, Kristunas CA, Alshreef A, Dixon S, Eborall H, Glab A, Huddlestone L, Hudson N, Khunti K, Martin G, Northern A. The impact of an intervention to increase uptake to structured self-management education for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care (the embedding package), compared to usual care, on glycaemic control: study protocol for a mixed methods study incorporating a wait-list cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Family Practice. 2019 Dec;20:1-5.
  3. Davies MJ, Agarwal S, Bodicoat D, Brennan A, Dixon S, Eborall H, Glab A, Gray LJ, Hadjiconstantinou M, Huddlestone L, Hudson N, Keetharuth A, Khunti K, Kristunas C, Martin G, Northern A, Patterson M, Pollard D, Pritchard R, Schreder S, Speight J, Stribling B, Sturt J, Turner J, Weis C. Increasing uptake of self-management education programmes for type 2 diabetes in primary care: the Embedding research programme including an RCT. Programme Grants for Applied Research. In Press

References to published economic analysis papers, which this software has been used in, will be added when they are published. These have been submitted at the time of making the initial deposit.

In this version, the model data has been updated to match release version 1.2.1 in the Github repository. The key change is that additional scenario analyses have been added to address a round of reviewer comments and the technical documentation has been updated to remove old comments.


Increasing uptake of effective self-management education programmes for type 2 diabetes in multi-ethnic primary care settings

National Institute for Health Research

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