This repository contains an archived copy of the source code and supporting documents for the Simple Monte Carlo Simulator v1.0.0.
The Simple Monte Carlo Simulator is a standalone executable capable of simulating Avalanche Photodiode (APD) and Single Photon Avalanche Photodiode (SPAD) characteristics in Si, GaAs and InGaP. Written in C++.
A software metapaper has been published on this model. "Simple Monte Carlo Simulator for Modelling Linear Mode and Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiodes in C++", J.D. Petticrew et al.
The GitHub repository can be found at
The Simple Monte Carlo Simulator has been used to produce the results in "Avalanche Breakdown Timing Statistics for Silicon Single Photon Avalanche Diodes", J.D. Petticrew et al.
The Si parameter set is from "A simple Monte Carlo model for prediction of avalanche multiplication process in Silicon", X. Zhou et al.
The InGaP parameter set is from "The effect of dead space on gain and excess noise in In0.48Ga0.52P p+in+ diodes", C.H. Tan et al.
The GaAs parameter set is from "A simple model for avalanche multiplication including deadspace effects", S.A. Plimmer et al.
Science and Technology Facilities Council (ST/N000145/1) and Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/K503149/1 & EP/L505055/1).
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Sharing and access restrictions
The data can be shared openly
Data description
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Methodology, headings and units
There is a readme.txt file describing the methodology, headings and units