The University of Sheffield

Terms for access to content with a custom licence

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The attached file contains text which clarifies the licence arrangements that are in place for a record deposited in the University of Sheffield's ORDA data repository where 'Custom licence' is selected in the licence field.

It explains that the content is available under the terms of a custom licence, details of which are provided within that record, in a file with the name ‘Licence’.

The text of the attached file is also copied below for information: Please note that this text is not in itself a licence, but provides guidance on how to find and ascertain the details of the licence under which the content is made available.

Where the ‘licence’ field in an ORDA record reads ‘Custom licence’, files are available under the terms of a custom licence. Details of this licence are provided within the record, in a file with the name ‘Licence’. The licence has been provided by the person who has deposited the content and its terms should be observed in all uses of the content, including but not limited to storage, copying, reuse and sharing.

Please note, the terms of the licence are not drafted or managed by University of Sheffield Library. For enquiries regarding terms of use, you should contact the content depositor.



  • There is no personal data or any that requires ethical approval


  • The data complies with the institution and funders' policies on access and sharing

Sharing and access restrictions

  • The uploaded data can be shared openly

Data description

  • The file formats are open or commonly used

Methodology, headings and units

  • Headings and units are explained in the files

Usage metrics





    Ref. manager