The University of Sheffield

Jacob Whittle

EngD Researcher (Engineering)

Sheffield, UK

Jacob is a researcher at The University of Sheffield studying towards an EngD within both the Department of Material Science & Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is a member of the Rail Innovation and Technology Centre, and the Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Metallic Systems. His research focuses on the sustainability of steel railway infrastructure and how it can be used to support desperately needed low carbon transport systems across the world. He also holds learning and teaching responsibilities as Doctoral Supervisor of Railway Challenge at Sheffield, Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Engineering and Open Day Ambassador in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.


  • Using digital image correlation (DIC) to measure railway ballast movement in full-scale laboratory testing of sleeper lateral resistance
  • A new high-level Life Cycle Assessment framework for evaluating environmental performance: An aviation case study
  • A Machine Learning Approach for Real-Time Wheel-Rail Interface Friction Estimation
  • Improved Lateral Resistance Test: Investigating the Effect of a Partial Uplift Restraint during a Single Sleeper Push Test
  • Life cycle assessment in energy-intensive industries: Cement, steel, glass, plastic

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Co-workers & collaborators

David Fletcher

David Fletcher

Siau Koh

Siau Koh

Iwo Slodczyk

Iwo Slodczyk

Jacob Whittle's public data